Remembering the Saints
/On Sunday, Nov. 2, St. John's United Church of Christ holds their annual Totenfest observance. Deeply rooted in the German heritage of the congregation, Totenfest is held the Sunday closest to All Saints Day (Nov. 1) during 10 a.m. worship. Those persons from St. John's who died in the previous 12 months are remembers and their families are honored.
This year we remember...
Daniel DeKorte
born to life May 18, 1947 and borne into eternal life August 2, 2014
Ruth Fleet
born to life August 11, 1925 and borne into eternal life April 2, 2014
Mary Lou Gabler
born to life November 4, 1933 and borne into eternal life April 12, 2014
Audrey Gutowski
born to life October 21, 1923 and borne into eternal life July 31, 2014
Vivian Hoffman
born to life December 24, 1916 and borne into eternal life February 11, 2014
The congregation will also name member family members and friends who have died and whom they hold in their hearts. Though they are gone from our sight, through the mystery of our faith and the memories we hold of them, they remain close to us.