Today at 6:30 PM: Tuesday Girlfriends Discussion Group
/Dear Friends, The senior center that I volunteer at on Wednesdays is closed, I will miss my co-workers, but am happy to be home!!! All Good. So we are coming to the end of of our discussion of, "Kitchen Table Wisdom" by Rachel Naomi Remen. This book was really filled with wisdom and if you want to borrow my copy---let me know. I purchased it used and has some wonderful well wishes for person named, Matt. We got as far as page 273," Grandmother Eve" and will start there next Tuesday and finish this book. We hope to study, "Tomorrow Will Be Different, Love, Loss and the Fight for Trans Equality" by Sarah McBride. Little different than our usual book choices, but I think very relevant--also a very excellent read. To give you all a chance to get the book, we will take a few weeks off and start our discussion again on February 25, 2025. Any new joiners are welcome always!!! Stay warm and stay safe!!! Barb
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Jan 28, 2025 6:30 PM to 8:21 PM