Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends
/Good Morning Ladies
Hope you had a good meeting last Tuesday. I had a great time at our village Christmas dinner. We had a harpist for music and it was wonderful.
Well we will be finishing the “Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry” this next Tuesday. Will be starting with chapter 26 to the end of the book. I must say this has been a book full of twists and turns. Some I didn’t see coming. But it was a very enjoyable read.
Next book per our list is either Rachel Evans “Wholehearted Faith or “If the Church were Christian” by Philip Gulley. So think about which book it will be. Will be deciding at our meeting. We have read a couple of Rachel Evans books and always a good read.
We will be taking a few weeks off after next Tuesday, to get the new book, and celebrate the season. Will start the new book with first meeting on Jan.9, 2023 at 6:30pm. (boy that seems strange to write 2023!)
The second best sale will be May 18,19,20th. with the profits going to the gardening club/group for supplies, tools, and plants. They are doing such an awesome job making the church grounds look better.
Are we still on for lunch at Mr. Burger on Dec.17th at noon? Just a time to share some Christmas cheer and fellowship. Hope you all can still come. I’m looking forward to it.
If anyone is interested in helping I will be putting gift bags together at church starting at 10am on the 17th also.
Have a great rest of your week. See you Sunday
Stay safe
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