Picture of Backpacks and School Spaces

School is starting! No matter what that looks like for you and your family this year, we're asking you to send pictures of your kids (or teachers in your family) in their backpacks and/or in their learning space at home. We plan to use these pictures for our Blessing of the Backpacks virtual service on September 13 in which Pastor will bless all students and families for the upcoming school year.  Anyone can participate: members, non-members, teachers, preschoolers through adult students. Please send the pictures to education@stjohnsuccgr.org or post them on our St. John's Families Facebook Group (click here to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/2447950898850056/?ref=share) by Wednesday, September 9. 

Please note: These pictures will be shown in a public forum via our live stream church service.