An Update on our Response to Covid-19

St. John’s remains committed to following the guidance of public health officials in terms of when we might be able to resume in-person activities at church.  It is difficult to imagine that we will be able to go back to anything that looks and feels like our old normal until there is a vaccine and a cure for Covid-19, the pathogen that causes the Coronavirus.

This is both overwhelming and frustrating, but we have to hold on to hope in the midst of this challenging time and there is great reason to hope.  We have never seen scientists and doctors so united in their work and their efforts to address a challenge to humanity.  Nationalities and egos are being put aside as never before and professionals from every corner of the world are coming together to share information, insight, and progress toward treatments and a vaccine.  There are no fewer than 100 vaccines in development and countless treatments moving out of research and into testing.  Compared to responses to previous health crises, advances are being measured in terms of weeks and months as opposed to years.  We have honestly never seen such focus and speed in terms of progress.  Let us give thanks for the power of human ingenuity and the ways in which we see the creative power of God at work within it.  May we daily remember in our prayers all scientists and healthcare professionals who are offering their gifts and graces to this vital work.

While we live in hope of a breakthrough, we also continue to grow in our understanding of what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ in this time and place.  We will continue to offer livestreaming worship as well as virtual Bible studies and small groups.  Reaching out to each other by phone, text message, email, video conferencing, and even snail mail will only grow in importance as we continue to move through this crisis.  As several have noted, the church isn’t closed.  Our building may be closed to group gatherings, but we are still the Body of Christ—risen, alive, and active in this world, called to love and serve even now, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and wholeness to this world.

The administration team and council will continue to meet regularly to evaluate the situation and make appropriate decisions.  They have formed a task force that includes healthcare professionals to offer advice and guidance in terms of best practices based on the recommendations of both public health officials and denominational leaders.  We will reevaluate the situation at the end of August and provide another update then.  Our core conviction is to provide for the safety and well being of everyone during this time while continuing to be the Body of Christ.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Wes or a member of the church council.