You Make A Difference


Thank you for serving with us at Devos Children's Hospital's Rennuci House and at our monthly St. John's Food Truck this week! 312 of our neighbors in the community were touched by your kindness in two days!

Have you considered using your time and talent to serve in other ways? Volunteer to be a greeter, usher, litergist, or musician on a Sunday morning. Pick a date to be a kitchen coffee hour helper or serve on one of our other mission or faith in action projects. Hosting small groups and teaching opportunities are also available. Serve on one of our teams or visit a meeting and offer ideas. Serving together allows us to grow closer as well as make a bigger impact in the community.

You are invited and welcomed to participate in the full life and ministry of St. John's UCC whatever your race, age, sex, marital status, financial status, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, or ability.

Gather with us Sunday mornings at 10am. 1934 Bridge St. Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Call our office at (616) 453-2497. Visit