Experience St. John's UCC


Have you experienced St. John's UCC yet? Have you invited your friends and neighbors? Gather with us Sundays at 10am for a service led by Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons followed by great conversation in our Fellowship Hall. We're looking forward to seeing you!

St. John's United Church of Christ shares......

*A real sense of community.

*Programs, projects, and classes for all ages.

*A worship space where all people are celebrated in the wholeness of who they are.

*An opportunity to let children grow up in an environment where they can be exactly who they were created to be.


*Full inclusiveness, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

*A tradition of standing up for others and speaking for justice in the community.

*Support in so many ways, through good and difficult times.

*The chance to grow spiritually. 

*Many opportunities to shine your light and live your passion.

Location: 1934 Bridge St, NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504. The charming stone church at the intersection where Lake Michigan Drive, Covell St., and Bridge St. come together.

Visit us at StJohnsUCCgr.org for more information.