Good morning ladies
Well it’s almost time to start our new book, Search by Michelle Huneven. Just reading the back cover it sounds like this will be an interesting and fun read. And maybe a new insight for some of us. I have never served on a Pastor Search committee myself. But I know some of you have and bet you can relate to things in this book. It will be interesting to hear your stories about your experiences serving on a search committee.
We will be discussing the preface to the beginning of chapter 5 — pages 1 to 33. Get your questions and thoughts ready.
Girlfriends will be meeting on Tuesday January 9, at 6:30p on a zoom link.( link is in this email). A new link is sent out each week for the meeting, so watch for them. We can not use the same link each week as it created an issue of concern with other non St.John’s people/ groups using it when we were not. Girlfriends is open to anyone who wishes to join. We read books in section and discuss as we read. ( usually about 50 pages a week).
If you are interested in joining please let Barb know or Sally will send me a Email of your interest. Please let us know your email address so we can send the links to you each week. And need to miss a week, that’s fine we will see you the following week.
Girlfriends wants to offer prayer to:
Tony G. on his son’s graduation and moving to another country.
to all on the start of a great New Year. May it be filled with health, promise, hope, love, friendship.
pour loving and faithful Lord who continues to watch over us.
for the great weather we have been enjoying— sorry I’m not a snow/ice lover.
to those suffering in hostile environments and conditions
to those seeking peace and a better life
to Israel, Palestine, Russia, West Bank, Ukraine, Gaza Strip may you soon have peace
to Richard J. For healing after his hand surgery
to Dave B. For continued healing of his foot
to Susan N for continued healing and health
to all the volunteers at the mobile food truck, you are so awesome
to Derek’s place and their mission of helping the unhomed and their volunteers
happy anniversary wishes to
to anyone else celebrating an anniversary or 🥳 a🎂🫶🏻🎁👑❤️🫵🏻🍀🌹🌞🍨🍰🥂🎁🪅🎈🎉
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Meeting ID: 87368337239
Passcode: 410478
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Jan 9, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
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