With a shortened Advent Season this year, the Worship Team, with input from the Team Leads, has made some plans a bit different from previous years. The Children's Christmas Pageant will be December 17 at 10:00 am. Children will be preparing for the pageant during Worship Center time starting November 26. With only three weeks to prepare, we are hoping all our children will make a special effort to be present for all the practices. In addition to presenting a Christmas story, the service will also include our traditional singing of Silent Night by candlelight.
On Christmas Eve, December 24, we will have just one service, at 10:00 am, to allow families the rest of the day, and Christmas Day, to celebrate with family and friends. However, we would like to send everyone special holiday greetings by compiling a video of families, individuals, teams, and other groups sharing a brief Christmas messages. You may make your own video and forward it to worship@stjohnsuccgr.org or, even better, plan to have your greeting recorded at the church sometime between the Hanging of the Greens (November 26) and December 17. Contact Becky Tiedt about having your greeting recorded. The video would be available for viewing starting the evening of Christmas Eve.
Please help us make our Christmas celebration extra special by helping children attend pageant practices, attending our Christmas Eve morning service, and sharing your greeting with our church family.