Sunday, November 26, 2023: Hanging of the Greens

The annual Hanging of the Greens will be held this Sunday shortly after the service. Everyone is encouraged to help decorate our four Christmas trees, hang wreaths on the doors and between the sanctuary windows, and decorate the chancel for the season of Advent. Young and old alike can take part in this preparation for Advent and the Christmas season. No experience necessary, just willing hands and smiles, so plan to have that cup of coffee and a snack, then come back upstairs to join the fun.

This Sunday, November 19, 2023

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

This Sunday, November 12, 2023

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends

Good evening ladies

Girlfriends will not be meeting next Tuesday Oct. 31st. This is so you may enjoy trick or treaters if you get them in your neighborhood.

We will be meeting on Nov.7 at 6:30p on zoom( link included in this message). We will be continuing our conversations on Philip Gulley’s book if the church were Christian. We will be starting the discussing on page 46 and going to page 66. So get your questions comments, opinions ready for then

Girlfriends is open to all who enjoy reading and discussing books. We do our group a little different than most as we read the books by chapter or groups of pages.if you are interested in the group please contact Barb or myself(Diana). If you are not a member ofSt.John’s and interested please call the church office and leave a message for us with contact information. And we will reach out to you.

Girlfriends would like to:

  • Prayer of healing to Dan Busman and his family on the passing of his father.

  • Prayers of healing to Judy Krause and her family on the passing of our dear friend Jerry Krause.

  • Thanks for returning Pat and Stu safely from their trip

  • Prayers of healing to my friend Denise who is sick with Covid while on vacation in Hawaii. Unable to travel back home as of yet.

  • Prayers of healing to my Newphew 

  • Prayers of healing to my sister in law. 

  • Prayers for no rain and nice weather Sunday afternoon for Trunk  or Treat at church.

  • Prayer for an exciting and informative United Church annual Michigan conference.

  • Prayer that all children have a safe Halloween

  • Prayer that the House of Representatives can get its act together and elect a New Speaker of the House.

Anniversary wishes to:

  • Rebecca and John Tiedt

  • Frank VanPelt and Todd Krupp

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 84343333013
Passcode: 713137

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Nov 7, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

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This Sunday, November 5, 2023

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Christmas Holiday

With a shortened Advent Season this year, the Worship Team, with input from the Team Leads, has made some plans a bit different from previous years. The Children's Christmas Pageant will be December 17 at 10:00 am. Children will be preparing for the pageant during Worship Center time starting November 26. With only three weeks to prepare, we are hoping all our children will make a special effort to be present for all the practices. In addition to presenting a Christmas story, the service will also include our traditional singing of Silent Night by candlelight.

On Christmas Eve, December 24, we will have just one service, at 10:00 am, to allow families the rest of the day, and Christmas Day, to celebrate with family and friends. However, we would like to send everyone special holiday greetings by compiling a video of families, individuals, teams, and other groups sharing a brief Christmas messages. You may make your own video and forward it to or, even better, plan to have your greeting recorded at the church sometime between the Hanging of the Greens (November 26) and December 17. Contact Becky Tiedt about having your greeting recorded. The video would be available for viewing starting the evening of Christmas Eve.

Please help us make our Christmas celebration extra special by helping children attend pageant practices, attending our Christmas Eve morning service, and sharing your greeting with our church family.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023: Evening Prayer and "The Apostolic Fathers"

Evening Prayer and “The Apostolic Fathers” discussion

St. John’s Church offers two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both.

7:30pm – Evening Prayer. This is an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

8:00-9:00pm – Lecture and discussion of The Apostolic Fathers featuring Dr. Bart Ehrman. At each evening session we will listen to an audio lecture by Prof. Ehrman and then discuss the content. The Apostolic Fathers were Christian writers of the second century CE whom tradition connected with the original apostles of Jesus. Their writings are important for understanding the development of the early Church in the period immediately following the time of the New Testament. We anticipate a very interesting and informative lecture and discussion. There is no cost and no book is required.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 88018043852
Passcode: 368428

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Nov 1, 2023 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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Today at 5:00 PM: Mobile Food Pantry

Thanksgiving is upon us. The October Feeding America West Michigan Mobile Food Pantry sponsored by St. Johns in partnership with Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church moved 6,676 pounds of food and reached 123 households, 435 individuals, 86 seniors 187 children and 12 veterans. We are continuing to see an increase in the number of neighbors in need of food assistance.  A crew of 21 volunteers worked together like a well-oiled machine. We were thankful to have an opportunity to share a small amount of surplus food with UCOM.  Richard and Christine Johnson made a strong delivery team.   On November 1, 2023, volunteers will gather at 5:00pm at 1550 Oswego NW, Grand Rapids MI, 49504. Distribution begins at 6:00pm.  For more information feel free to contact Teresa Markoski at 616-690-4566 or at  Finacial support is always welcome by using the church app or by writing a personal check to St. John's UCC,1934 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504.  Thank you for making a difference in alleviating hunger, together we serve.  


The Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church
1550 Oswego NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Nov 1, 2023 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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