Good morning Ladies
Hoping for a nice day today with it a little warmer.I feel the need for a little ☀️ sunshine.
Hoping you all are having a great week.
We will be meeting Tuesday ( we always meet on Tuesday, even if I put the wrong day in, old mind you know) Oct. 24th @6:30p on zoom. We will be continuing our discussion of the current book, If the church were Christian by Philip Gulley. We will be discussing pages 23 to 66 — if we get that far. So get your thought and questions ready for a good discussion.
Last night’s discussion was very interesting.
Welcome to new member Amy. Thanks for joining the group. We hope you enjoyed the discussion and learning a little about each other. We enjoyed learning a little about you.
Girlfriends is open to anyone who enjoys reading and discussing books. We meet on Tuesday nights at 6:30p on zoom. Unlike other groups, we read and discuss books by chapters to make it easy for everyone. We are always open to new books to add to our reading list. If you are interested in joining please contact Barb when you see her or call the church office and leave your information ( please leave a email address so we can send you the zoom information as it changes weekly) we welcome your thoughts, ideas, questions, input, comments,and opinions.
Girlfriends sends:
Prayers of healing and strength to Dan Busman and his family.
Prayers🙏 for healing grace for the family of Jerrry Krause at his passing.
Prayers 🙏 for my Nephew as he is still having some issues after his surgery.
Prayers🙏 of safe travel for Pat & Stu. Hope you had amazing trip.
Prayers🙏 of safe travel to Pastor Nathan
Prayer 🙏 of plentiful giving to the bean drive for UCOM.
Prayers🙏for a successful Grand West meeting and Annual Conference meeting.
Prayers 🙏for Olivia DeWald Davis step sister
Prayers 🙏 for Ellen Mott ‘s sister
Prayers 🙏🙏🙏 for the people in Palestine, Israel and the Gaza Strip.
🎂🦋💐 Birthday wishes to:
Karen Frost
Olivia DeWald Davis
🥂🍻🎶💐 Anniversary wishes to:
Hope to see all of you Sunday.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 82670497741
Passcode: 987199
Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Oct 24, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
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