Today at 7:30PM: Evening Prayer and “The Apostolic Fathers” Discussion

Beginning September 13, St. John’s Church will offer two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both. 

7:30pm – Evening Prayer. This is an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included. 

8:00-9:00pm – Lecture and discussion of The Apostolic Fathers featuring Dr. Bart Ehrman. At each evening session we will listen to a video lecture by Prof. Ehrman and then discuss the content. The Apostolic Fathers were Christian writers of the second century CE whom tradition connected with the original apostles of Jesus. Their writings are important for understanding the development of the early Church in the period immediately following the time of the New Testament. We anticipate a very interesting and informative lecture and discussion. There is no cost and no book is required.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 86970460468
Passcode: 466982

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Sep 13, 2023 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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This Sunday, September 10, 2023

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. Stay after the service for a pulled pork and chicken meal outside on the church lawn.

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 5:00 PM: Mobile Food Pantry

September brings another opportunity to transform the world through the power of hope. The July Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry sponsored by St. John's UCC in partnership with Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church broke many records.   Over 5,000 pounds of food was distributed to 124 households, 415 individuals, 97 seniors, 143 children and 22 veterans. Twelve additional families were turned away without any food but were given resources on how to find food close to home.  A record of 29 volunteers served at last month's event.  Kyle Bernier, a high school student brought 3 friends new to the Mobile Food Panty crew.  Christine Johnson was able to step in for traveling Richard Johnson.  Some clients were gifted garden-fresh produce from the garden of Becky Tiedt. On September 6, 2023, volunteers will gather at 5:00pm at 1550 Oswego NW., Grand Rapids, MI 49504.   Distribution will begin at 6 pm and will continue until we run out of food.  For more information feel free to contact Teresa Markoski at 616-690-4566 or at  Finacial support is always welcome by using the church app or writing a personal check to St. John's UCC, 1934 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504.  Thank you for making a difference in the world.  Together, we serve. 


The Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church
1550 Oswego NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Sep 6, 2023 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends

Hello ladies

Hope you’re enjoying this weather and Labor Day weekend.

Im having a lazy relaxing weekend.

We will be meeting on Tuesday Sept 5  to continue with our current book Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber. We will be starting on page 105/ the start of chapter 11 Parlors and going to  the page 135/ the end of chapter 13 Dirty Feet.

Girlfriends group is open to anyone who would like to join, enjoys reading and discussing books. We are always interested in hearing new thoughts and ideas.And books to add to our current  waiting to be read list.

Girlfriends would like to:

  • Ask for prayers for the upcoming special congregational meeting

  • For all still effected by the storm damage

  • For my brother in law recovering from a very  long surgery 

  • For great weather next Sunday for fall kick off

  • For those we are able to help out with food( Mobile food Pantry)and allThe awesome volunteers who help out.

  • That fall kick off will be amazing with lots of visitors, members, and kiddos.

Happy Birthday Wishes to:

  • Barb Huitema

  • Heather Morris

  • James Stephens

  • Peter Post

Happy Anniversary and great Memories to:

  • Peter Post

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 81292362330
Passcode: 939545

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Sep 5, 2023 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

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This Sunday, September 3, 2023

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Wednesday, September 06, 2023: Mobile Food Pantry

September brings another opportunity to transform the world through the power of hope. The July Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry sponsored by St. John's UCC in partnership with Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church broke many records.   Over 5,000 pounds of food was distributed to 124 households, 415 individuals, 97 seniors, 143 children and 22 veterans. Twelve additional families were turned away without any food but were given resources on how to find food close to home.  A record of 29 volunteers served at last month's event.  Kyle Bernier, a high school student brought 3 friends new to the Mobile Food Panty crew.  Christine Johnson was able to step in for traveling Richard Johnson.  Some clients were gifted garden-fresh produce from the garden of Becky Tiedt. On September 6, 2023, volunteers will gather at 5:00pm at 1550 Oswego NW., Grand Rapids, MI 49504.   Distribution will begin at 6 pm and will continue until we run out of food.  For more information feel free to contact Teresa Markoski at 616-690-4566 or at  Finacial support is always welcome by using the church app or writing a personal check to St. John's UCC, 1934 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504.  Thank you for making a difference in the world.  Together, we serve. 


The Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church
1550 Oswego NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Sep 6, 2023 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends

Good afternoon Ladies

Girlfriends will be meeting on Tuesday Aug.  29th at 6:30p on Zoom.

We will be continuing with our discussion of Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz- Weber.

We will be starting on page 81 the beginning of  chapter 9 Frances  to page 102 the end of chapter 10. Bring you questions and your comments for an interesting discussion.

Girlfriends is open to anyone who would like to join us. We are a weekly meeting book reading group from St. John’s United Church of Christ. You do not have to be a member to join the group. We are different from most book groups, as we read and discuss the book(s) in smaller sections, a few chapters at a time. We meet on Tuesday evenings starting at 6:30p weekly.

If interested in joining contact St. John’s church at 616-453-2497. Leave your name and contact information and someone from Girlfriends will reach out to you.

Girlfriends is offering:

  • prayer of peace and safe travel to Bren & Mike.

  • prayers for a great start of schools for all the kiddo’s.

  • prayer for a great year of learning and fun to all kiddo’s going back to school, college, home school, and worship centers.

  • prayers for everyone to get thru this high humidity these dog days of summer.

  • prayers of successful surgery for my brother- in- law. Who is suffering from blocked arteries which are impacting healing of a foot wound.

  • prayers of safety for all our police, firefighters, and EMT’s.

  • prayer for the people of California effected by the hurricane and flooding.

  • prayers for the people of Maui  effected by the wildfires.

  • prayers for all of the St. John’s teams as they gather to lay out goals and plans for the next year. As they strive to made St. John’s stronger and better to all who enter our doors.

Happy birthday wishes to:

  • Teresa Markoski

  • Amy Heathfield

  • Don DeWald

  • Nathan Garza

Happy Anniversary to:

  • Patti & Karl Betz

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 835 3063 7055
Passcode: 511992

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Aug 29, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

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This Sunday, August 27, 2023

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Wednesday Evening On-Line Course and Discussion: After the New Testament: The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers

Please join us for a weekly lecture and discussion following the Wednesday evening service (virtual, via zoom link). The Wednesday evening service begins at 7:30. The lecture begins at 8:00 PM and concludes by 9:00 PM at latest. We will be listening to Dr. Bart Ehrman's course, After the New Testament: The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers. There are 24 lectures in the course. You may wish to participate in the entire course or join as your schedule allows; following the entire sequence isn't necessary. There are no books and there is no cost. The zoom link will be the same as the link for the Wednesday evening service. Everyone is welcome! We have good conversations after the lecture.

Here is the course description:

At the very foundation of the Christian religion stand the writings of the New Testament, a collection of 27 books that represent the earliest surviving literary productions of the burgeoning Church and that eventually came to be regarded as sacred Scripture. The writings produced by Christians after the New Testament are also important, however, as they can reveal to us how Christianity changed, developed, and grew after the first Christian century had passed.

The writings of the Apostolic Fathers are the most important books for understanding these developments in Christianity immediately after the New Testament period. The term Apostolic Father was coined by scholars who believed that the authors of these books were companions or followers of the apostles of Jesus. Scholars today do not accept this older view, because the books in the collection appear to have been written in a later generation. But most of them do date from the early to mid-2nd century, and as such, they are among the earliest Christian writings from outside the New Testament.

There are 10 (or 11) authors who are traditionally included in the collection of the Apostolic Fathers. Some of the works are by well-known figures of the early 2nd century (such as Ignatius of Antioch and Polycarp of Smyrna); others are anonymous. Together, they represent the early writings of proto-orthodoxy: that is, they represent the views that eventually came to influence and inform the shape of Christianity as it was to grow into a world religion that eventually converted the Roman Empire and became the major religious (and political, social, cultural, and economic) force of the Middle Ages.

In this course, we will examine the various writings of the Apostolic Fathers, both to see what each of the surviving books has to say and to see how these books can instruct us about the emerging Christian Church of the 2nd century.

In rough outline, the lectures of the course are set up in "pairs," in which the first lecture discusses the writing of one of the Apostolic Fathers and the next deals with the broader implications of the writing for understanding key issues in the early history of Christianity. We will begin with the letter of 1 Clement, written by the Christians of Rome to quell an uprising in the church of Corinth around A.D. 95; our examination of this letter will lead us, in the next lecture, to consider the development of a Church hierarchy in the early Christian communities.

Next, we will consider the Letters of Ignatius, one of the earliest Christian martyrs, whose writings urge adherence to the one bishop of each church and warn against false teachers. These letters will serve as a springboard to consider various kinds of "heresies" in early Christianity. Then, we will look at the letter written by Polycarp to the church in Philippi, which had experienced some turmoil when one of its elders was caught red-handed in some kind of shady dealings; this letter quotes numerous earlier Christian writings and, thus, will allow us, in the next lecture, to consider how Christians began to appreciate earlier writings as canonical Scripture.

Another writing of the Apostolic Fathers is an account of Polycarp's own martyrdom; this eyewitness report will lead us to consider how, why, when, and where Christians were persecuted for their faith in the early years of the religion. Also significant among these writings is a book called the Didache, which contains ethical instructions for Christians and indicates how the Christian rites of baptism, eucharist, prayer, and fasting were to be practiced; this work will lead us then to consider the emergence of distinctively Christian rituals in the Church.

Next, we will turn to the so-called Letter of Barnabas, which was written to show the superiority of Christianity to Judaism. This letter will allow us to explore the nature of early Jewish-Christian relations and the rise of Christian anti-Semitism. From there, we will move to a study of a book (mis-)named 2 Clement, which in fact, is the earliest surviving Christian sermon from outside the New Testament. Because 2 Clement uses an allegorical approach to interpreting Scripture, it will enable us to consider more fully, in the next lecture, the various methods of interpretation used by early Christians in understanding their sacred texts.

This matter of interpretation is equally important for the next author we examine, Papias, whose works have come down to us only in fragments. Papias tells us that he prefers oral traditions to written texts in trying to understand what happened during the life of Jesus. This will bring us, in the next lecture, to a consideration of the importance of the oral transmission of early Christian tradition.

Next, we will turn to one of the earliest surviving apocalyptic writings of Christianity, The Shepherd of Hermas, which will, in turn, lead us to consider the importance of apocalyptic thought for the earliest followers of Jesus. As Christians moved away from an apocalyptic worldview, they began to have increased interactions with outsiders who were suspicious of their religion. The next writing we will consider is the anonymous Letter to Diognetus, which will serve as a springboard for considering the early apologetic movement, in which Christians defended themselves against charges of atheism and immorality and argued that their religion was, in fact, the only true one.

We will conclude our course by seeing how the Apostolic Fathers can instruct us concerning the development of Christianity in the early 2nd century, in the years between the foundation of the Church by Jesus and his disciples and the emergence of the Catholic Church of later times.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023: Girlfriends


Girlfriends will not be meeting next Tuesday, August 15,2023. There is a special service at the church that night that we recommend all attend. 

We will be meeting on August 22, 2023 at the normal 6:30p time  to continue our discussion of Nadia Bolzano-Weber’s book Accidental Saints. We will be discussing chapter 5 page 41 to the start of chapter 9  page 83.So far this has been an interesting read.

Girlfriends reads a little different than most book clubs. We read and discuss by chapters, not the whole book at a time. This gives us time to reflect and tell stories that help us all become friends and sisters in Christ.

if you are interested in joining our group contact Barb Huitema orDiana DeKorte. You do not need to be a member of St.John’s United Church of Christ. We welcome everyone and your thoughts,ideas,stories,wanting to learn, love of books. If you are not a member of St.John’s you can reach this group by calling the church office ( 616-453-2497)  and leaving your information. We will then contact you with info on the group.

Girlfriends offers:

  • continued prayers to Bren Tooley, her family and especially her sister Rhonda🙏🙏🙏.❤️

  • prayer to a friend on a family member dealing with personal issues🙏🙏🙏❤.

  • p️rayers for Sharon VanBennekom and her family as her son goes thru a health crisis🙏🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayers for Teresa Markoski and family as her husband deals with eye issues and possible surgery🙏🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayers of Thanksgiving as the mobile food pantry served its largest number of families🙏🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayers for understanding and forgiveness for the special service next Tuesday night, Aug.15🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayers of rejoicing that our camping trip service was seen by so many people🙏🙏🙏🌈🦋.

  • prayer of continued healing and strength for our friend Jack Belke🙏🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayer for continued healing and strength for Jack’s daughter Pam🙏🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayers of safe travels for members traveling or on vacation 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️.

  • prayers to our Nation that God continues to bless us and care for us🙏🙏🌈🫶🏻.

  • prayers for St.John’s as we all continue to live,learn,love,care for each other and the world around us🙏🙏🌈❤️🕊️🌏.

  • Happy birthday wishes to Phyllis Roh

  • Happy heavenly anniversary to Jim and Lois VanTil🫶🏻🌈🌈🎂🦋.

  • Happy heavenly anniversary to my husband and partner in high jinks🙏🙏🎂🫶🏻😍🦋.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 85628581567
Passcode: 867979

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Aug 22, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

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