Good morning one and all.
Are you enjoying the wonderful sunshine outside? I’m sitting here doing this message with the sun coming in my windows on me. It feels wonderful. Hope you all enjoyed last nights meeting and discussion. It’s always interesting to hear others thought and see if they line up with mine.
We will be meeting on Tuesday Aug 8th at 6:30p on zoom. The link will be included in this message.
We will be starting on page 22 of the book Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolzano-Weber and reading to page 49- the start of chapter 5. if any questions contact Diana or Barb.
Girlfriends group is open to anyone who enjoys reading and discussing the books we read.
Unlike most groups where you read the whole book, girlfriends reads them a few chapters at a time and talks about the content as go go along. You do not need to be a member of St.John’s United Church of Christ to join the group. We welcome all and their thought on the subject.
Just a note that the Michigan Conference of United Churches of Christ annual conference is being held in Grand Rapids at Plymouth in Oct. I think it would be awesome to have a group from girlfriend go to represent St. John’s. Barb & I have attended several and always learned a great deal about what’s happening and what other churches are doing. Would like to see if any are interested in going, car pooling, meeting up? This can also include your better half, spouse, partner, best friend. There are also events for children of all ages. Would also like to see a group of kiddo all ages) attend.
Girlfriends would like to:
offer prayer for Bren’s sister Rhonda and her family as they travel this very hard road.
offer prayers for Sharon Van Bennekom son and his fight to get well.
offer prayers for Jerry & Judy Krause as they have found another hospice for Jerry’s care.
offer prayers for all St. John’s teams/groups as they start to made plans for fall/ winter
offer prayers of gladness that Marilyn was able to join our group last night.
offer prayers of healing and wellness to Jack Belke’s daughter Pam
offer thoughts of Thanksgiving for all the Mobile food pantry helpers and their mission of helping others needing food.
offer of praise and thankfulness of all the blessing that have come to me and my family
offer Happy birthday wishes to Karl Betz and Laura Kinch
offer prayer for a amazing mouth of Aug. to everyone
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 81351877561
Passcode: 992157
Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Aug 8, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
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