Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends

Good morning friends.

Hope you’re having a good week. I’m enjoying the days, but wish it was a little warmer. I’m not a fan of the cold— this is better than winter. But I always look forward to the Spring— warm day with maybe just a sweater, the trees flowering and all the spring flowers coming up and showing their beauty. I even like the smell of grass as it’s being mowed. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons— because it’s full of color and we usually still have warm days, but cool night. This spring has not been bad, but I want a little more warmth during the days. I would enjoy some nice 65/70 degree weather.

Well we didn’t finish our book last night, but we will most definitely finish it this next Tuesday-April 30th. We will be meeting on zoom at 6:30p to discuss  the final chapters of “The four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. We will start the discussion on page 109 to the end of the book. For a small book, it has been packed with thought provoking insight and wisdom.  

We will also be discussing our next read and taking a few weeks off before we start the next book. Please review the list of new reads Barb sent out- and the new suggestions so we can pick a good book to start. We will probably take at least 2 weeks off and start about May 21st. If you have any book ideas for us to read, please let Barb know so she can add them to the list for further books.

Girlfriends offers prayer to

  • Barb & Bernie for safe travels and fun on their up coming trip

  • Continued healing  and wellness to Dave B, Frank’s brother, Judy M,Judy K,Jacob and Christina,Christine J,Ellen M,Tarah and Lisa’s grandpa, Teresa M, 

  • of Thanksgiving for the new visitors we see each week. May they find the religious community/ home and family they have been seeking  at St.John’s.

  • of Peace and well being to those in country’s / areas in conflict. 
    to our Government leads( state, federal, local,) that they make decisions based on the good of the majority of people that we could have some nice 65/ 70 degree days

  • Thankful for the blossoming of the trees and flowers, the birds signing, the changing of the seasons.

  • Thankful for this group and the friends/ family of St.John’s

  • Happy birthday to 🎁🎉❤️🫶🏻🙏🥂🪅🍰🥳🎂🍨👑💐🥰🍀🎼 Geri F, Anna LaBrenz

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Apr 30, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

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