Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends


Good Evening all. We will be meeting Tuesday night May 23rd at 6:30p on zoom. Link will be included in this message.

We will be discussing Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. We will be discussing pages 179 to the end of the book. Will also be discussing our next book to read and when we will be meeting again.

We usually take a few weeks break when we finish one book and before we start a new book.

Girlfriends sends prayers to:

  • Pastor Dick and Bren Tooley for continued healing.

  • Pat Partridge and Stu for a wonderful and safe trip.

  • Barb Huitema on her safe return from her great trip.

  • And congratulations to all members that are graduating. Best wishes for a great new beginning of your life.

  • Thank you to all our St. John’s teachers and helpers.You are an awesome group.

  • Jack Belke on being home from the hospital. Best wishes on your continued recovery. You are so missed.

  • Of thanksgiving for the items donated to the second best sale. All the helpers with the sale. And the money the sale raised for the Garden Club/Group.

  • Thank you to the teacher and all the St.John’s kiddos for the great spaghetti lunch on Sunday. You all rock.

  • Thank you to Aaron Rossell on the great job repairing the eagle for the lectern stand.

  • Of healing to John Kritschgau on his surgery. And prayers of patience to Jean.

  • To any and all who need them.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 880 8509 0603
Passcode: 756843

Dial by your location
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

May 23, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

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