Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends
I hope you are all enjoying spring and our new read: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. This again is a different read from most of our books. So far it has been interesting. For next Tuesday-March 28th we will be discussing pages 21 to 43. If you are reading along with us, you will notice no chapters. So we are breaking it down to pages each week.
Next meeting March 28th at 6:30p on zoom— link below
🙏 of the people for:
Pete Anda- procedure and rehab
Pat Partridge on continued healing of her foot.
Sally on continued healing of her foot.
Pastor Dick on healing and the next steps for his foot.
Weather—end of snow!! Time for the Spring Flowers to come.
Great response to our new members class.
Great job on the new members class to Pastor Nathan, Pastor Dick, and Bill Newsom.
Congratulations to Donna Prolux on her retirement.
To all the helpers working to “spruce” up St.John’s—inside and out.
To the Lord for our great St.John’s family and friends.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 84149767701
Passcode: 219617
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Mar 28, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM