Lent and Holy Week Events
/Plans for the observance of Lent and the celebration of Easter are underway!
February 22 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. We will hold a brief service at 7:00 p.m. which will include the imposition of ashes.
Sunday, April 2nd, will be observed as Passion Sunday when we will remember the events of Holy Week from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the crucifixion of Christ. On Thursday of that week, April 6, we will observe Maundy Thursday with a service ending with the stripping of the altar.
Last year we asked members to bring spring flowers or plants to our Easter service to decorate the chancel. The response was so enthusiastic that we are again asking all of you who can, to bring flowers--bouquets or potted--with you to the Easter service to share with the congregation. Flowers can then be taken after the service to enjoy at home.
After the Easter service we will once more hold an Easter Egg Hunt for all children and youth--members and guests alike. The plastic eggs will contain the word, Alleluia, which we have not been able to say for the weeks of Lent, and can be redeemed with adults for candy. We will begin accepting donations of candy for the hunt in mid-March. Children are encouraged to bring an Easter Basket from home to hold their goodies. Adults should plan to be tapped as Egg Redeemers (trade a piece of candy for an egg and Alleluia) at the event.