Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends

Good afternoon ladies.

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful sun shine after the miserable weather yesterday. Believe me it was no fun to drive in. Was so glad to get home and stay put. But today is beautiful, but cold. 

We are in the final chapters of “Wholehearted Faith“ by Racheal Held Evans. I have enjoyed this book very much I really like the easy writing style of this book. Almost as if she is sitting with you just having a conversation. Will be sorry to get to the end. We will be starting this week on page 136 chapter 12 to page 166 chapter 14. 

We will be discussing a few things this week also:

  1. What book we want to read next?

  2. How long a break we would like to take between books?

  3. Gun Reform, writing letters as a group?

  4. Fun hat day at church. When?

We as a group offer prayers:

  • The students, faculty, staff, workers, families of MSU. 

  • The families and victims of this terrible shooting

  • Healing prayer for the students hurt in this terrible event.

  • For friends, co workers, and families that are still dealing with the stress from the shooting or worry about others that were/ might have been there

  • That politician’s soon see the need for more and stronger gun control both here in Michigan and nationwide

  • That NO MORE have to die from these terrible unjust acts

  • Prayers for Christine Johnston’s daughter and her family, going through a rough time.

  • Bren Tooley’s sister fighting cancer—- You go girl!

  • For my sister Sharon, recovering from knee surgery and a stomach ailment 

  • For my brother Wayne — suffering from low blood levels

  • For my nephew Scott— chest pain issues, waiting to be put on the heart transplant list

  • For Sally who is having a good recovery so far— but take it easy and don’t over due

  • For Pat Partridge also having a good recovery and anxious to get back to church

  • Prayers for our church and that we continue to be the hands and feet that Jesus wants us to be

Hope to see all of you Sunday and Tuesday night

Be safe out there all of you

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Feb 21, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

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