Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends
/Hi ladies,
Sure hope you are enjoying these warm temperatures and the glorious sun. Sure makes me start thinking of spring.
We are still reading “Wholehearted faith“ by Rachel Held Evans. We will be starting this Tuesday Feb. 14th on chapter 10 page 126 and reading to chapter 12 on page 136.
Prayer for:
Pete Anda - in hospital
Sharon VanBennekom - in hospital
Christine Johnston’s sister - at Mary Free Bed Hospital
Sally - recovering at home from surgery
Bren Tooley’s sister - fighting cancer
People’s of countries effected by the bad weather
Jen Berg’s father - recovering at home
Kent County Sheriffs who competed in the Polar plunge for Special Olympics West Michigan
Pat Partridge - recovering at home from surgery
Hope to you tomorrow night.
Have a great day.
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Feb 14, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM