Today at 6:30 PM: Girlfriends
/Hello Ladies
Tonights discussion was very interesting and insightful. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Next week Jan 23rd as we continuing reading “Wholehearted Faith” by Rachel Held Evans. We will start at the beginning of Chapter 3 on page 41 and end our weekly read at the end of part 1 on page 76. Barb says to Google Jonathan Edwards before reading chapter 6??
This group is open to anyone who enjoys reading and learning a little more about God, Jesus Christ or the Bible. We try to keep reading to about 50 pages a week and discuss that was read at the meetings.
We welcome new members,thoughts and ideas. Come join us and get to know us.
We are sending out prayers to:
Christine Johnston’s sister
Bren Tooley’s sister
Sharon Van Bennekom
Pat Partridge
The family of Lynn Bowers
Hope to see all of you this next Sunday—-if not before.
Sending you many blessing for a health and great week.
With you in Christ’s Peace. Hope. Joy. Grace. Love and faith
The Girlfriends Group
Join Zoom Meeting:
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Passcode: 529463
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Jan 23, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM