Today at 8:00 PM: Wednesday Night Speaker Series

Rev.  Kristen Orion  from Pilgrim Manor  will be our guest speaker on May 11th at 8pm.. She will be presenting a power point  presentation on Pilgrim  Manor. And discussing ways St.John’s might partner, or help out Pilgrim Manor. 

Pilgrim Manor is a Assisted living community located on Leonard NE Grand Rapids .Pilgrim Manor is associated with the United Church of Christ and the West Grand association. Over the years, we have had many members  spend their “very golden years there”. Right now I think we only have Anna LaBrenz  living there.

Join  us at 7:30pm for Wednesday night prayers which will be followed by Rev. Orion’s presentation. So grab a snack a glass of tea and come join us. 

This will be the last speaker in the series until the fall of 2022. Please join us again in the fall. And if you have any ideas or persons you would like to be a speaker in the fall, please let membership team know( and their contact information also please. 

If you have any questions please contact

Hope to see you there

St.John’s UCC Membership team

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 89958862536
Passcode: 468046

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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May 11, 2022 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

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