The Church is Open Starting Palm Sunday (April 10, 2022)
/The church will be open for in-person worship starting on Palm Sunday on April 10, 2022 at 10:00am!
After over two years worshiping remotely or outside, the building is now ready for our return: worship in our sanctuary, worship centers for our children, and fellowship time with our church family!
Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped keep our church going while we were away from the building and many additional thanks to everyone who worked to clean and prepare the church for our return! A special thanks, too, to everyone who attended online and was patient as we waited out the worst of the pandemic and prepared the church and mitigations for our return.
We will be following the mitigations related to the current CDC Community Risk ratings for Kent and Ottawa counties as outlined in our COVID-19 Response. Each week, the risk level will be posted on the entrances to the church and in the "This Sunday" announcement. The current risk level is LOW which means we can enjoy a mostly normal in-person experience with the following mitigations:
If you are ill or think you are ill, please stay home and join us online. The online service will continue to be offered even though we are returning the building.
We will run air purifiers/circulators within the sanctuary when people are present. With a grant from the Michigan Conference UCC, we now have multiple air purifiers running in our sanctuary and we have increased ventilation in fellowship hall.
We will keep windows open when possible when people are present. As weather permits, we will also open windows to further increase air circulation.
We recommend increased distancing.
We will continue to offer the service online for members and visitors who cannot attend in person or do not yet feel comfortable attending in person.
The building is ready. It's time to come back home as we prepare for Easter!