Wednesday, January 04, 2023: Mobile Food Pantry

Happy New Year!  If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity near you during 2023, working on the St. John's Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry could be your calling.  Three days before Christmas Eve, 21 volunteers found time to distribute food to 91 households, 284 individuals, 41 seniors, 96 children and 11 veterans.  Clients enjoyed knitted hats and scarfs made and donated by Carol Stechow. The next event is scheduled on January 4, 2023, at Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church, located at 1550 Oswego NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504. Volunteers gather at 5 pm, distribution starts at 6 pm.  Finacial donations are welcome by using the church app or by writing a check to St. John's, designating Mobile Food Pantry on the memo.  The mailing address for St. John's UCC is 1934 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, Mi, 49504.  Thank you for your continued support.  Together we serve. 


The Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church
1550 Oswego NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Jan 4, 2023 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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