Wednesday Evenings - "How Jesus Became God" (lecture and discussions series)

Following the weekly Wednesday Evening Prayer Service, from 8:00-9:00 PM, we are gathering virtually (using the same zoom link as the Prayer Service) to listen to and discuss Prof. Bart Erhman's lecture course "How Jesus Became God. " Prof. Ehrman discusses how the church's understanding of Jesus developed in the first few centuries. Everyone is welcome! Please join us. You do not need to have participated in previous discussions in order to join us - each lecture is self-contained, although there is also a sequential historical exploration underway. The November lectures are the following:

  • November 2: "The Life and Teachings of Jesus"

  • November 9: "Did Jesus Think He Was God?"

  • November 16: "The Death of Jesus - Historical Certainties"


  • November 30: "Jesus's Death - What Historians Can't Know"

And in December, we will explore what historical sources and scholarly research tell us (and what they can't tell us) about the Resurrection and early Christian views of Jesus's exaltation.