Resources for Lent 2021

Dear St. John's Family,

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, a somber day of reflection, and the first day of the season of Lent, a time of renewal and growth in our life as Christians.  As we move into this holy season, St. John's is making several resources available to you to help with your spiritual journey through this season.  Thank you to the worship team for producing the Action Guide and to the education team for producing the Family Worship Center Guide.  Click the links below to access these items.

Lenten Devotional

Lenten Action Guide

Lenten Family Worship Center Guide

Please share these resources with friends and family and be sure to join us tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17, at 7 pm for our virtual Ash Wednesday service livestreaming via Facebook and YouTube.  Click either of the links below to access the service.

St. John's Facebook page

St. John's YouTube Channel

May this holy season be a time of deepening faith, growing relationships, and compassionate action.

With love and hope,

Pastor Wes