Join us TONIGHT for Evening Prayer, Fellowship, and a Voter Information Session

Join us tonight via Zoom at 6:30 pm for a brief Service of Evening Prayer followed by a time of fellowship and then stay with us afterwards at 7 pm for a Voter Information Session presented by the League of Women Voters.  

What's the ballot this fall in Michigan? How do we vote in the midst of a pandemic? Betsy Cushman, a representative of the League of Women Voters, will join us for a special presentation by Zoom. She will discuss what’s on the ballot this fall and how to overcome the challenges to voting presented by the pandemic. Invite friends and join us for the short presentation and conversation!

There's one Zoom link for both events.  Just click here to join with any digital device:  If you'd prefer to call in, you may do so by dialing (312) 626 6799 and entering this meeting ID:  845 5133 4188.

The liturgy for evening prayer can be found here: