Sunday Worship Online, March 15

We are so grateful to be able to offer online streaming worship this morning so that we can still be together as a family of faith and offer our prayers to God.  We will try to keep our liturgy as familiar as possible since we all need a bit of "normal" right now.  You'll be able to share prayer requests with the community and we will still celebrate Holy Communion.  To celebrate Holy Communion, please have some bread or a cracker and some juice (whatever you have will work and God will be OK with it). 

Remember that this is our first try at doing this and it will be different and we'll have a lot to learn.  Patience is much appreciated.  We'll figure it out as we go and trust that what we do is pleasing to God and nourishing to our community.

Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

The video should be able to be viewed below starting at 9:50am on March 15 or on Facebook at