Donations for Kid's Pageant Goodie Bags

Our St. John's kids are working hard creating a Christmas pageant to be shown in the virtual service on December 20th. The Education Team plans to make goodie bags and deliver them to the kids's front porch on December 20th as a thank you for their hard work in spreading God's word this season.

If you are interested in donating to the goodie bags, we are looking for candy, stickers, clementines, crayons, coloring pages, sweet notes from you, anything you are willing to donate to make our kiddos smile. We plan to make about 30 goodie bags.

If you are interested in contributing, any donations need to be to church no later than December 13 and we are placing all donations for the kids's goodie bags on the pool table in the Bridge room.

Thank you so much for your help and support with our education program at St. John's.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Education Team at