St. John's Food Pantry, Wednesday, April 3, 5-7pm!
/The first Wednesday of every month, from 5pm-7pm, is our mobile food pantry. We need your help to unload the truck, bag produce into family-sized portions, and set up all of the free groceries on tables from 5pm-6pm. If you are able to stay and serve guests from 6pm-7pm, you are welcome. Weather permitting, we’re hoping this is our first mobile pantry of Spring held outside on our beautiful lawn. We serve year-round, rain, snow, or shine, so we move inside on wet/cold months.
Bring your friends at 5pm. We have tasks for every ability. All are welcome, you do not have to be a member of the church to serve with St. John's. Please see Theresa Bileth or email if you have questions.