Enhance Your Experience
/Enhance Your Experience!
Whether you come to church to center yourself through worship at our 10am Sunday services or you seek fulfillment by serving the community, we look forward to getting to know you better in 2014. Start a new uplifting tradition. Serve in ways you haven't before. Invite friends to serve with you.
*Join a Team: Worship & Music, Fellowship, Mission, Membership, Caregiving, Spiritual Formation/Ed Team. There are many opportunities, big and small, within each team. Learn more: All meeting times are on our web calendar and in the journal.
*Join a Small Group: Sew 'n Sews, Young At Heart, Girlfriends Group, Men's Breakfast Group, LGBT Fellowship Group, Bible Study, Second Saturday Potluck Club, or start a new small group.
*Share your talent: Vocal, instrumental, special skills, ways you can enhance teams, new project ideas. Bring your voice to the circle!
2014 has just begun and we have already cooked and served a big lasagna dinner downtown at Dégagé Shelter; we served over 200 people at our monthly mobile St. John's UCC Food Truck; we delivered knit hats, mittens, shawls, pajamas, food, warmth to people in need; we collected donations for Kids Food Basket; our meaningful worship services have touched lives; our small groups are growing; and we are excited about one of our annual traditions, the Grand Rapids Griffins Hockey Game this Friday, January 10!
*Join in the FUN of serving with St. John's UCC!
YOU ARE INVITED and welcome to participate in the full life and ministry of St. John's UCC whatever your race, age, sex, marital status, financial status, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, or ability.
1934 Bridge St NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504. (616) 453-2497. StJohnsUCCgr.org