Homily: Already Bound in Heaven
/"So what did I do this weekend?" I went to the wedding of my gay friends, Frank and Todd. And so did more than 225 other people!
St. John's United Church of Christ marries couples regardless of gender in real weddings by a real pastor. That's because St. John's UCC values inclusion. We accept all people as being created in the image of God, uplifting and celebrating their worth and integrity, and engaging them authentically, rather than as categories or classes. St. John's is an Open and Affirming congregation in the United Church of Christ. The weddings of gay and lesbian couples don't result in a legally recognized marriages - yet - but St. John's United Church of Christ thinks "It's About Time" they should.
If you had been at Frank and Todd's wedding, and your coworkers had asked, "What did you do this weekend," what would you say? Here's what St. John's pastor, Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons, had to say during Frank and Todd's wedding about that very question: