Parent-Teacher Meeting

Education Program Meeting

ALL Parents/Guardians and Teachers!

YOU ARE INVITED and encouraged to attend the breakfast meeting on Sunday, March 23, 9am - 9:45am to discuss our worship centers and programming for kids of all ages.  You will be receiving a letter in the mail with questions.  We are interested in your likes, your dislikes, your wishes, and any ways in which you can help.  There are opportunities, big and small, that you may not be aware of that we will discuss.  Whether interested in volunteering your time in a large or small capacity, or just interested in sharing your thoughts on our programs, we need your input!  Please mark your calendar.

We greatly appreciate you emailing your responses to the upcoming letter and attending the meeting!  Please email your responses to Sue Bradford at by Sunday, March 16 so we can prepare the discussion points for our meeting, Sunday, March 23.

Event: Meeting for Parents/Grandparents/Teachers

Date: Sunday, March 23

Time: 9am – 9:45am

Breakfast Provided: Breakfast burritos made by the Garza family

Childcare: Available

St. John's UCC, Sunday, March 23, 9am - 9:45am

St. John's UCC, Sunday, March 23, 9am - 9:45am