Sunday, October 06, 2024: Bread Auction

We’re getting very excited for the Annual St. John’s Bread Auction! Mark your calendars for October 6 during coffee hour and start preparing your bread donations.

What is the Bread Auction?

Every year on World Communion Day we ask for donations of bread, muffins, baked goods etc. These can be homemade or store bought. Then our wonderful St. John’s kiddos auction off the bread during coffee hour.

It’s really fun to see these little auctioneers and get some friendly competition going over some delicious goodies! All of the proceeds from the bread auction will go to the Eduction program and will fund the supplies, snacks, crafts, and outings our kiddos enjoy throughout the year.

We will gladly accept cash, check, or credit cards during the Bread Auction and you will get to take your goodies home right away (or consume them during the Auction). We typically have a chili cook-off that day as well which goes very well with bread.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Education Team at


St. John's United Church of Christ
1934 Bridge St NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Oct 6, 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

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This Sunday, September 29, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Wednesday, October 02, 2024: Mobile Food Pantry

Let's work together on Wednesday October 2, 2024.  St. John's UCC in partnership with Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church will host a Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry at 1550 Oswego NW., Grand Rapids, MI, 49504.  Volunteers will gather at 5:00 pm, distribution will begin at 6:00 pm.  We are an equal opportunity provider.  Last month, we sent home food to a record-breaking number of 500 individuals. A total of 26 dedicated volunteers distributed 9,685 pounds of protein, fruit and vegetables.  Additional statistics included 148 households, 174 children, 98 seniors and 16 veterans.  A very small amount of surplus food was delivered to UCOM by Richard Johnston.  Thank you to Todd Krupp and Jeffery Dick for distributing hotdogs to clients waiting in cars with the involvement of Dick grandchildren and family.   We were glad to welcome Jake Kremer and Amy De Maagd, new to the volunteer pool.  For more information about the Mobile Food Pantry, feel free to contact Teresa Markoski at 616-690-4566 or at    Finacial support is always welcome by using the church app or by mailing a check to St. John's UCC, 1934 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504.  It takes a village to feed our neighbors, together we serve. 

Mobile Food Pantry Non -Discrimination Agreement


The Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church
1550 Oswego NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Oct 2, 2024 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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Today at 6:30 PM: Tuesday Girlfriends Discussion Group

Hello Everyone, looks like a rainy afternoon for us!!!  We had a really wonderful service today. Markus Little is such an inspiration and we are so blessed to have him in our church. Check it out on line if you missed it.  Anyway we will continue our study of " The Bible Tells Me So....Why defending scripture has made us unable to read it" By Peter Enns.  We will discuss pages 180 to 227.   We are getting close to the end of this book---any thoughts on what you would like to read and discuss next?   Hope to "see" you Tuesday night.  Blessings, Barb

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Sep 24, 2024 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

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This Sunday, September 22, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 7:30 PM: Evening Prayer and "The Bible Tells Me So"

St. John’s Church offers two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both.

7:30pm – Evening Prayer, an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

8:00—9:00 p.m. — Video lecture and discussion "The Bible Tells Me So" featuring Peter Enns. Dr. Enns is a noted biblical scholar who considers such questions as
What kind of literature is the Bible?
In what sense is it true?
How is it supposed to work for us?

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 81784105651
Passcode: 458493

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Sep 18, 2024 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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Today at 6:30 PM: Tuesday Girlfriends Discussion Group

Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine and cool evenings!!!  We will continue our study of "The Bible Tells me So...Why defending scripture has made us unable to read it" by Peter Enns.  We will discuss pages 146 to 189.  "See" you all on Tuesday evening!!!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 81042904851
Passcode: 015412

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Sep 17, 2024 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

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This Sunday, September 15, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 7:30 PM: Evening Prayer and "The Bible Tells Me So"

St. John’s Church offers two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both.

7:30pm – Evening Prayer, an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

8:00—9:00 p.m. — Video lecture and discussion "The Bible Tells Me So" featuring Peter Enns. Dr. Enns is a noted biblical scholar who considers such questions as
What kind of literature is the Bible?
In what sense is it true?
How is it supposed to work for us?

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 88074861715
Passcode: 386658

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Sep 11, 2024 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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Today at 6:30 PM: Tuesday Girlfriends Discussion Group

Hello everyone!!! I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather.  I hope you also enjoyed the lovely potluck at church this past Sunday.  Once again St. John's knows how to put on a feed.  So this Tuesday evening we continue our study of "The Bible tells me so....Why defending scripture has made us unable to read it" by Peter Enns.  We will be discussing pages 119 to 154.  Love and blessings to you all--enjoy the day!!! Barb

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 84524525438
Passcode: 728172

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


Sep 10, 2024 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

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