Hello Everyone: Tuesday Discussion group will not be meeting in July. But we will be serving VBS Supper on Tuesday, July 16 at 5:30 PM. So far the menu is Sloppy Joes, watermelon, chips and whatever else you would like to contribute.
Girlfriends will meet via zoom on August 6, at 6:30 PM. (zoom information to come) We will be reading and discussing "The Bible Tells Me So....Why defending scripture has made us unable to read it" by Peter Enns. This book comes to us recommended by Susan and Bill Newsom and by some of my favorite authors: Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, Rob Bell and Phyllis Tickle. I find this book quite intriguing and once again makes me reconsider. On Page 163, the author says, " The Bible "partners" with us (so to speak), modeling for us our walk with God in discovering greater depth and maturity on our journey of faith, not by telling us what to do at each step, but by showing us a journey of hills and valleys, straight lanes and difficult curves, of new discoveries and insights, of movement and change--with God by our side every step of the way." I love that and hope that you will join us on Tuesday nights, checking in, reading and thinking about the Bible. If you need a book call or text me --616.438-1336. Barb Huitema.