This Sunday, May 26, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 7:30 PM: Evening Prayer

Join us for Evening Prayer. 

This is an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 84183005450
Passcode: 991985

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


May 22, 2024 7:30 PM to 8:15 PM

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This Sunday, May 19, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Vacation Bible School Sign Ups

Vacation Bible School at St. John's will be July 15-19 from 5:30-8:00pm. A free dinner is included each night.  We will be talking about the Gifts of the Spirit this year and it's sure to be a blast. Anyone preschool-6th grade is welcome to join us so please share with family, neighbors, and friends and sign up at 

Today at 7:30 PM: Evening Prayer and "The Bible Tells Me So"

St. John’s Church offers two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both.

7:30pm – Evening Prayer. This is an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

8:00—9:00 p.m.—Video lecture and discussion "The Bible Tells Me So" featuring Peter Enns. Dr. Enns is a noted biblical scholar who considers such questions as
What kind of literature is the Bible?
In what sense is it true?
How is it supposed to work for us?

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 87097890052
Passcode: 642091

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


May 15, 2024 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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This Sunday, May 12, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 7:30 PM: Evening Prayer and "When God Disappoints You"

St. John’s Church offers two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both.

7:30pm – Evening Prayer. This is an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

8:00-9:00pm – A podcast featuring Marcus Little on the story of Jonah from the Hebrew Bible. The May 8 podcast, "When God Disappoints You," will consider Jonah's response to Nineveh's repentance. We will hear this podcast and then discuss it.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 84975823665
Passcode: 818434

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


May 8, 2024 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

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This Sunday, May 5, 2024

Welcome to Sunday morning!  This is the day that God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! 

Please join us for in-person worship at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are unable to join us in-person, please join the worship service on our website at at 10:00 a.m.

There are links below this message to the order of service, the weekly Journal, a children's bulletin for the week's lectionary readings, a youth Bible Study, an Adult Bible Study, and a devotional guide for the week. Please share these resources with your family and friends and know that we are joined together across any distances or difficulties that might separate us.

We are able to provide all of these wonderful services because of your continuing generosity and support.  If you are able to give to support our ministries, please do. You can make a donation or set up regular giving by clicking here: .  You can also simply mail your check to the church:

St. John’s UCC
1934 Bridge ST NW
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting St. John's. Let us continue to hold each other and the entire world close to our hearts and to the heart of God in prayer.

Youth Bible Study

Children's Bulletin

Order of Service

Weekly Devotional

Weekly Journal

Today at 5:00 PM: Mobile Food Pantry

Let's work together on May 1, 2024.  St. John's UCC in partnership with Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church will host a Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry at 1550 Oswego NW, Grand Rapids, MI., 49504. This is an equal opportunity provider. Last month, we were fortunate to have 23 volunteers to move 4,455 pounds of food.  Food was distributed to 106 households, 324 individuals, 105 children, 81 seniors and 12 veterans.  Greg Markoski and Richard Johnston delivered surplus food to UCOM. Diane Sinsabaugh was oriented to the registration team and Linda Koslowski brought her friend Danny to volunteer with us.  For more information about the Mobile Food Pantry, feel free to contact Teresa Markoski at 616-690-4566 or at  Financial support is always welcome by contributing on the church app or by sending a check to St. John's United Church of Christ, 1934 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504.  It takes a village to feed our neighbors.  Together, we serve.  

Mobile Food Pantry Non-Discrimination Agreement


Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church
1550 Oswego NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

May 1, 2024 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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Today at 7:30 PM: Evening Prayer and Jonah in Nineveh

St. John’s Church offers two opportunities each Wednesday evening via Zoom. All are welcome to attend either or both.

7:30pm – Evening Prayer. This is an opportunity to share joys and concerns, seek spiritual refreshment, pray together, and catch up with each other in the middle of the week. Outstanding sacred music is included.

8:00-9:00pm – A podcast featuring Marcus Little on the story of Jonah from the Hebrew Bible. The May 1 podcast, "The Violence Inherent in the System," will consider Jonah's second opportunity to go to Nineveh, and his response. We will hear this podcast and then discuss it.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 89742039871
Passcode: 958732

Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


May 1, 2024 7:30 PM to 9:15 PM

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