Good afternoon Ladies.
Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine today. It sure feels good. And the warmer weather.
We will be meeting on May 9th at 6:30p on zoom. Will be discussing pages 170 to 205. Zoom link will be at end of message— I hope!!
That will leave us with about 45 pages to the end of the book. I’m not sure what the next book is, but we can discuss it Tuesday night.
So what surprises did you find in this book? What did you really like about the book? Did you learn any thing new about the time period? What memories did it bring back? From when? Did you learn anything about the area where it happened? Think about some of these questions for next week (May 16th). And any others you might come up with.
Girlfriends sends out:
Prayers of healing and wellness to Jack Belke,Lois VanTil
Prayers for safe travels to Barb Huitema
Happy birthday wishes to Marilyn Gillette, Danny Montejo, Michelle Hoffner
Prayers of continued healing to Pastor Jeffrey Dick, Bren Tooley, Pat Partridge, Maryanne Foster, Lorraine Post,Sharon Van Bennekom
Prayers for strength for Marilyn Gillette, Jack Belke, Sharon VanBennekom, Christine Johnston, Lois Van Til
Prayers of gratitude for all our Mothers (both here and in heaven), Grandmothers, persons you feel are/ were like a Mother to you
Anniversary wishes to Christine and Richard Johnston, Teresa and Greg Markoski. May you all have great memories to treasure.
Prayer of well being to the members, friends,visitors,children,employees of our wonderful church. May you all find and feel the special love of St.John’s.
Come join the conversation!!!
Girlfriends group is open to anyone who enjoys reading and discussing books. You do not have to be a member of St. John’s church. We welcome new thoughts, ideas, book recommendations, opinions. To find out more about the group email us at Or talk to a member at fellowship time if you attend St.John’s. Hope to have you join us soon.
Girlfriends group meets most Tuesday nights from 6:30p to 8p. We usually take a few weeks off between books.
The girlfriends group
Barb Huitema
Pam Maniscalco
Susan Newsom
Marilyn Gillette
Christine Johnson
Diana DeKorte
Bren Tooley
Teresa Markoski
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 83307235594
Passcode: 142367
Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
May 9, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
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