Good Morning Ladies,
I hope you are all snuggled nice and warm in your homes.That’s where I’m at and plan to stay for the next couple of days. The snow as started here and it looks cold out there. Stay warm and safe all of you.
Had a nice discussion last night on our next book, gun control and fun hat day at church. Christine is going to discuss with Pastor Nathan a letter concerning gun control and get back to us on it. Fun hat day is going to be Mothers Day, May 14th. So start thinking of what your hat will look like.
John Pavlovitz is speaking at Park church here in Grand Rapids on March 10th at 7pm. We are thinking of going as a group. If you are interested and want to car pool, please contact Barb or myself (Diana). A few of us went to hear him speak in Lansing a few months ago and enjoyed his talk. Will be meeting at St. John’s at 6:15pm to leave for Park church.
Our next book will be “Gilead” by Marilynne Robinson. We will start this book on March 21st after taking a couple weeks off so everyone can get their books.
We will be finishing up the current book “Wholehearted Faith” by Rachel Held Evan next Tuesday Feb. 28th. We are starting on page 159 towards the end of chapter 12 to the end of the book. Please also read the epilogue/ Telos and the afterword. I personally have very much enjoyed the time we have spent with Rachel Held Evans.
Girlfriends offers prayers for:
Bill Newsom recovery from sinus/ cold ailments
Pastor Nathan and his family recovery from stomach bug
Bren Tooley foot surgery on Wednesday Feb 22. for a easy good recovery
Continued prayers of healing for MSU, students,families,faculty, workers.
Sally on your good recovery and coming back to work
Pat Partridge on her recovery and removal of her cast, so she can again join us in fellowship
To our government leaders to see a way to control all the mass shooting and guns
To all that this storm is not crippling to anyone, no loss of power or other needs
Sharon VanBennekom on continuing healing
To East Palestine, Ohio on the chemical spill clean up. And everyone staying safe and healthy
To the Vogel family on the loss of Martin ( a family where I live)
To each other as we look around us to see our brothers and sisters in need, lonely, troubled, scared, in need of a listening ear, that we reach out to help. And remember at one time that was probably us, also looking for the Lord’s salvation.
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Feb 28, 2023 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
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